My name is Olivia Tompson and I am 8 years old. I love dramatic play, art, gymnastics and being around my family. I have 2 sisters and a dog.
I have a disanosis of Cerebral Palsy and Autism but am very determined to not let anything hold me back.
My strengths, skills & interests
I love learning new things, which is my favourite thing about going to school. I especially love spelling and maths.
I love to read anything and everything. Kind - I am caring towards others
My challenges, triggers& struggles
Goals I’m working towards
I want to be able to communicate effectively when I am anxious or when I am struggling with a sensory trigger.
I have severe anxiety about anything medical related, I get quite worried if other children are sick and i am very anxious at the thought of being unwell at school and sick bay. If i am unwell my mum will pick me up.
These are my orthotics I need to wear them daily. If my feet get sore by the end of the day I can have a break.
What my diagnosis looks like for me:
Cerebral Palsy: I have Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy this means that all four limbs are affected. My right side is more severly affected and I am not able to use my right hand too well. I can walk independently for short distances (on a good day), although I still do have falls. I use my wheelchair to conserve energy, when I am fatigued or for long distances. I need some assistance with day to day tasks but I am able to communciate when I need help.
These are things I struggle with and find challenging and here are some ideas of how you can help
Regulations:- These are things I struggle with
Heightened Emotions: - These are things I struggle with
Communication: - These are things I struggle with
Feeding:- These are things I struggle with
- These are things I struggle with
Gross motor: - These are things I struggle with
Fine motor: - These are things I struggle with
Anxiety: - These are things I struggle with
Friendships: - These are things I struggle with
Masking: - These are things I struggle with
Staying focused: - These are things I struggle with
Transitioning: - These are things I struggle with